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Cabbages and Kings, A Novel By O Henry

Book Title : Cabbages and Kings (1904)
Author: O. Henry

A novel consisting of linked stories ( fix-up novel).


“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
    “To talk of many things;
Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax,
    And cabbages and kings.”


The Proem: By the Carpenter
I. Fox-in-the-Morning
II. The Lotus and the Bottle
III. Smith
IV. Caught
V. Cupid's Exile Number Two
VI. The Phonograph and the Graft,
VII. Money Maze
VIII. The Admiral
IX. The Flag Paramount
X. The Shamrock and the Palm
XI. The Remnants of the Code
XII. Shoes
XIII. Ships
XIV. Masters of Arts
XV. Dicky
XVI. Rouge et Noir
XVII. Two Recalls
XVIII. The Vitagraphoscope